Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Woodall Orthodontics has Windows and a Birthday Party!!

So our windows are in and they look great! They add a lot of natural light to the treatment area!

Windows Niles Woodall Orthodontist

Next is the window the added the new gable on the front of the building. The gable gave the building a more more symmetric look and you know orthodontists, we love symmetry!!

Douglasville Orthodontist Front Windows Dr. Woodall

Last thing for today, is a PARTY! Everyone loves a party right? Last year my good friend was blessed with quadruplets!! Yeah four babies at once!! She was blessed to receive 4 healthy babies, a girl (Anna Claire) and 3 boys (Carter, Finn, Price). This weekend was their birthday. Sarah and I could not miss this party!!

Crim Quads Birthday

Today I will post the before, tomorrow the after. Let's just say the cakes met their match! Can you guess that mom is a dentist?

Crim Quads2

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Sounds of Progress and Villa Rica Wildcats Football

First and foremost for today, my thoughts and prayers go out to those families that suffered loss due to the recent flooding in the West Georgia area. I have lived in Villa Rica my entire life and this is the worst I have ever seen.

The first thing I am excited to tell you about is the sound system for the office is going in!!! In the ceiling speakers in most every room. We will be able to play one thing throughout the office (suggestions anyone?) or we will have the ability to play different things in different rooms. Also the volume can be adjusted per room as well. Maybe on some days, we can have Ipod day and have patients pick a song or 2 from their Ipod and be the DJ for their appointment time!! Who knows, but I plan to have fun with this addition!!

Villa Rica Orthodontics Wiring

The last thing for today's post is Villa Rica Wildcats football. We made it out to the game last week and it was a blast. Sadly, it had been a while since I had been to a game, but it was great to get back in the stands. The stands were pretty packed and the Wildcats beat Lithia 45-0!! Here are a few pictures from the Wildcat victory!!

Villa Rica Wildcats Woodall Orthodontics

And the Villa Rica Wildcat Marching Band sounded great at Halftime!!

Villa Rica Wildcats Marching Band

And last but not least a little bit of construction to hold you over! Windows for the treatment area are coming soon!!!

Orthodontist Niles Woodall Windows Coming Soon

Have I mentioned how excited I am to get started!! Straight, healthy, beautiful smiles here we come!!

Excited for the Future!!

Finally the sledgehammers and destruction has come to an end. I was surprised to see that the electrician had started with the wiring needed to transform the building into a state of the art orthodontic office!

Braces Villa Rica Hammer

Soon the wiring for the digital x-ray machine will go in. I am really looking forward to having a digital x-ray machine! Digital x-ray machines cut the exposure of the patient to radiation by more than half. It also will allow me to see images instantly so that means no waiting for the x-ray to be developed and shorter visits.

Villa Rica Braces Specialist

Braces Villa Rica Carrollton GA

Just a little sample of the work I saw going on today!

Villa Rica Bremen Orthodontist Fireplace

Last but not least! The fireplace! It has been the source of much debate. Several of my advisers want me to cover it up and sheetrock over it. I am torn as my office is a 60-70 year old house in Villa Rica and I want to leave some of the charm of the home as it was built (of course I want to clean the fireplace up a bit). As of today, it stays... :) Anyone of my friends out in cyberspace have an opinion?

Monday, September 14, 2009

One Step Closer To Straight Teeth & Villa Rica's Gold Rush

Wow! This weekend was a whirlwind of activity for Woodall Orthodontics. From laying out the electrical plan in the office to enjoying Villa Rica's Gold Rush festival and making our office "official" with the installation of our sign we sure were busy.

This is kind of like Where's Waldo? Where's Dr. W?

Humans weren't the only ones trying to keep it cool....this pup was sportin' his shades while his owner shopped the vendors. While we can't claim this one as ours, the Woodall Orthodontics Australian Shepherd and mascot, Bailey, is sure to make the blog soon.

Yes! We are scheduling appointments...we can't wait to be open and meeting our patients.

Contact us by phone: 770.459.1956

Contact us by email:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Progress on my Orthodontic Office!!

We did not work on the office today, but I did not update the blog yesterday so here is a combo post. Saturday more progress was made in removing the big tree! It is finally all the way down and the last things to do are remove the huge trunk and grind down the stump. I hope it is possible to remove a slice out of the trunk so that I can make a children's table for the reception area.

No, that is not my flip flop!! It is my lovely wife's! We did not have any other object to use to show how huge it is!!

Below is a picture of some of the reclaimed heart pine boards that we removed from the office and hope to recycle back into the office!

I am blessed to have very talented and very helpful friends!! Today me, my wife, and our good friends Wes and Candy worked on my temporary sign. Being a group of perfectionists, our sign started out as a simple square and ended up much much better as we passed around ideas. We got the design finalized and went to work cutting it out! Here is the final shape of the sign.

Stay tuned for updates on the sign and the office building updates!!

I am super excited to get started in my hometown and to have the chance to give my patients beautiful straight, healthy smiles!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Renovation begins!!!

The renovations for Woodall Orthodontics began today!! I am going to try to post daily updates on my website. To check the latest post goto